Delicately unwrap, remove all of its packing contents. Place your fruit tree in a shaded area so that your fruit tree can get acclimated to it's new environtment. DO NOT fertilize your tree
Pot Growing a Tree
Select a container that has several drainage holes and is about 1/2 size bigger than the shipping pot.
Plant on the same level set the roots into the soil so that the growing point stays just at the same level with the soil surface. If the plant is set too deep the stem may rot.
Potting Mix make sure to use a well-drained potting mix. Adding a drainage layer at the bottom is beneficial.
DO NOT use topsoil or any other garden soil for potted plants!
Water only when the soil is dry to the touch and let it drain.
DO NOT water if the soil is already wet. Tropical plants don't like their feet wet.
Leaves & Stems remove any yellowed leaves or damaged branches using sharp clippers. For the tops of trees that are broken because of shipment, trim below the break and the plant will put on new growth within 4-6 weeks. Some large size plants are slightly pruned for shipment.
Light DO NOT plant your tree out of the package and directly into full sun.
DO NOT fertilize for at least six to eight weeks. After that use a balanced slow-release fertilizer similar to osmocote 14-14-14 once a month during warm seasons only.
In-Ground Planting in Tropical and Subtropical Areas
Preparing the hole dig the hole at least two to three times the diameter of the container some trees develop shallow root systems, and a wider planting hole can make a significant difference in the rate of establishment. In some areas like Florida, soil arc alkaline and extremely low in organic mater content. That is why we recommend digging as large of a hole as possible and modifying your soil by adding compost (not fresh) or manure. Depending on the soil already in your yard, mixing rich organic compost with existing soil from the hole should suffice as long as the soil does not contain limestone or shells. Mix components directly in the planting hole, soak the soil mix in the hole and let it settle.
Prepare the plant by pulling the container away from the root ball. DO NOT pull the tree out by its trunk. For smaller containers hold the plant at the top of the root ball and turn it upside down. Tap the sides to loosen the container, slowly remove the container from the tree and let the root ball slide out. For larger containers simply tilt the pot onto its side, tap it lightly and the root ball should gently slide out of the pot. You can also cut the container off if the plant is root bounded Make a few vertical cuts with a sharp knife down the roots to encourage them growing sidewise.
Positioning the plant is the most important part of your planting project Place the root ball in the center of the hole and adjust the tree, so it is straight and at the proper level. Be sure that the growing point stays slighlty high and that no extra soil is put on top of it. The base of the trunk should have a two-inch-high mound instead of flattening the mix to the same level as the surrounding ground. The elevated position of the growing point is especially important for areas with rainy seasons, when part of the yard may become flooded. Make sure soil mix is compacted under the root ball so that the plant won't sink down. If part of the trunk gets below the ground the bark will rot. Keep in mind that the new porous mix will compress with time, after a few waterings the tree may begin to sink another 1/z inch to an inch. Add extra soil underneath the root ball if needed.
Filling In the hole in and around the root ball with prepared soil mix. Tap the soil around the root ball gently with your foot. When the hole is half full fill the remaining space with water to create the soil and allow to drain. Repeat until the hole is full. Use extra dirt taken out of the hole to create a thin bagel around you newly planted tree. Put it around the ne-v plant in the shape of a ring one to two feet in radius and only an inch high this "'II create and additional barrier to retain water during the establishing period.
Water is absolutely essential for new plants. Provide regular hose watering during the first two to three months DO NOT rely on the sprinkler system.
Staking trees is recommended as it prevents dislodging by wind, people and animals. Make sure the stake ties DO NOT cause damage to the bark. The stakes can be removed after 1-2 growing season.